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LWS Author Profiles

The London region, in general, and the London Writers Society specifically enjoy an abundance of writing talent. In addition to being particularly welcoming to aspiring writers, the LWS boasts among its members those who have published in a wide area of genres, from Historical Fiction to Speculative Fiction, Crime to Memoir, and Romance to Horror.

LWS Authors

In the following pages, you will not only meet our London Writers Society Authors, but you will also find links to their works. Find out what literature is being created right here in our region and shared across the world!

If you’re a member of the London Writers Society and would like a profile, please complete the form here. (It’s free!)

Charlotte H. Broadfoot

Crime/Mystery Fiction (RomCom/Action)

Donna Costa

Young Adult Fiction, Memoir, Creative Non-Fiction


Historical Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction


Historical Fiction

Gaston Mabaya

Historical, Poetry

John Matsui

Paranormal, Thrillers

Maria Moore


Martha Morrison

Memoirs, Fiction, Poetry

Marco Muzzi

Mystery Thrillers

Jorge Mazza

Metaphysical Fiction


Non-fiction, History, Picture Books for Children

Mary Zabder Ross


Rudolf A. Zimmer

Biography, Memoir, European History, WW II

C.J. Frederick

Historical Fiction, Contemporary Fiction

Meg Howald

Mystery, Thriller, Crime, Dark Romance

Rebecca Hamilton

Non-Fiction, Self-Help

Jayn Reed

Fiction & Non-Fiction

Daniel Soha

General Fiction, Historical Fiction, Short Stories

Become A Member

Membership in the London Writers Society is the best writing bargain you’ll find! It costs only $40 a year to join our inclusive, creative community. Not sure? We welcome you to attend a meeting or two before you join. Please email [email protected] for details. 

It’s easy to join! You can sign up in person at one of our monthly meetings, mail us a cheque, or purchase a membership right here, online. 

How We Support London-Area Authors

At the LWS, we particularly seek to help writers find a sense of community as we engage in a craft that is both uniquely self-enlightening and yet at times isolating. Our activities reflect this focus.

Membership Meetings

These meetings (every 3rd Tuesday) are a great place to connect with other writers and the writing-interested. The focus of each meeting ranges from guest speakers to mini-workshops.


For many members, our online critique groups are a key attraction of the LWS. They bring writers together with peers for (digital) face-to-face comments and suggestions on their work.


We produce various events to inform, entertain, and give writers a platform for their work. We’re always seeking new activities that will inspire our members–and be fun!

Stay Connected

Subscribe to our periodic newsletter and stay up-to-date with LWS news and events, announcements and regional writing opportunities.

*Note: Subscribing to the newsletter does not provide membership privileges. To join the LWS, please visit our Membership page.