LWS Digital Library
Below is a collection of published works from members of the London Writers Society. Each item on the list will link to the author’s work. You can learn more about our authors by visiting our Author Profile page.
Rosemary Boyd
Donna Costa
Ron Cougler
Anne Kay
John Matsui
Gravity Games: The Scent Of Terrorism (A Nathan Sherlock Foodie Thriller Book 1)
The Granddaughter: Can She Be That Perfect? (A Tale Of Suspense By John Matsui Book 1)
Late Bite: Vampire On Trial (The Toronto Vampire Chronicles Book 1)
Lycanthrope Rising: Behind The Vampire – Werewolf Wars (The Toronto Vampire Chronicles Book 2)
Maria Moore
Jorge Mazza
Janet Snider
Full Catalogue On Her Website, Here.
Mary Zabder Ross
Become A Member
Membership in the London Writers Society is the best writing bargain you’ll find! It costs only $40 a year to join our inclusive, creative community. Not sure? We welcome you to attend a meeting or two before you join. Please email [email protected] for details.
It’s easy to join! You can sign up in person at one of our monthly meetings, mail us a cheque, or purchase a membership right here, online.
How We Support London-Area Authors
At the LWS, we particularly seek to help writers find a sense of community as we engage in a craft that is both uniquely self-enlightening and yet at times isolating. Our activities reflect this focus.
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*Note: Subscribing to the newsletter does not provide membership privileges. To join the LWS, please visit our Membership page.
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